LUTRON Commercial With GHS Integration
Our services include: Consultation Design & Specification, Supply & Project management, Bespoke Installation & Programing
Building Regulations 2021 Compliance Guide Lighting Controls Requirements
The 2021 edition of the approved document outlines an important requirement that could result in a significant increase in hardware and installation costs. By using Lutron’s lighting controls, it is possible to easily meet these requirements:
•Use high end trim to avoid spaces being over-illuminated (comply with clause 6.59)
•Where there is low traffic, incorporate absence detection for automatic shutoff.
•Where there is high traffic, incorporate presence detection for automatic shutoff.
•In shared spaces, incorporate time clocks to turn lighting off after-hours.
•Where there are windows, incorporate a daylight sensor for automatic dimming.
•Use wireless controls and detectors for easy placement and flexible control.
• Use a lighting management system that can calculate and share the energy consumed by the lighting installation(comply with clause 6.61).

The Right Environment
Lutronhelps you produce the Right Environment with lighting, shade, and temperaturecontrols that adapt to your changing needs. We have a wide range of solutionsfor your space, your budget, and your performance requirements.
Smart building lighting solutions
SmartIoT solutions that fit your space, your budget, and your performancerequirements.
Leverage smart IoT Building Solutions
Supportstaff productivity, operational efficiency, and energy savings with systemsthat provide actionable data, space utilization insights, and management accessfrom anywhere.
Design Excellence
Morethan a half-century of award-winning innovation means that every Lutronsolution is not only reliable and beautiful, but also easy to use, design, andinstall. Lutron ensures reliability with 100% end-of-line testing.
Drive space utilization and energyefficiency
Lutron’sVue web-based software, available with multiple systems, gives you actionabledata (with customizable alerts) on energy use and space utilization across arange of applications — and runs on desktop, laptop or tablet.

Lighting Solutions Today’sguests look for luxury that’s opulent without being fussy, and extravagant butcomfortable. Lutron integrated lighting and shade solutions enhance luxury fromthe lobby to the guestroom, and throughout the hospitality space for amemorable experience at every visit.